Where We Are
If you have been paying attention to what is happening in the world today, it will come as no surprise to you that the idea of family, and fathers and mothers in particular, has been and continues to be under attack. This idea is not new, but it has become more apparent in recent years. This can be seen in how men, in general, and fathers, in particular, are attacked. Think about the commercials or TV shows that you have seen recently. If there is a traditional family, that is, father, mother, and children, how are they portrayed? It is likely that in all the examples you have seen, the traditional family is seen as the least loving or the craziest family. Fathers are seen as stupid, needing to be constantly corrected by wives and children. The older generations are portrayed as ignorant and behind the times. Is it any surprise that things are going so pear-shaped?
Hear My Son
Wisdom is something we dearly need. As we look at Proverbs, one of the first things we see is the author, writing from the perspective of a father, advising his son to listen to his father and mother. “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching.” (Proverbs 1:8) This instruction and teaching are said to be “a great garland” and a “pendant for your neck.” (Proverbs 1:9) The idea is simple enough, the teaching that we receive from our parents are things that should not be lightly laid aside. The implication of this has two essential parts. The first is the most obvious: children need parents, a father and a mother.
Fathers and Mothers
At the heart of this is the created order. In the beginning, God created humanity, male and female. Eve is created as the helper of Adam. The two need each other to complete the mandate they are given to be fruitful and multiply. They are both created in the image of God, equal in dignity and value, but completely different in purpose and role. This idea that men and women have different purposes and roles is abhorrent to our culture today. Many want to believe that there is no difference between men and women. This has gotten to the point that one of our Supreme Court Justices was unwilling to give a definition of what a woman is. If we just look at how children come into this world, though, it becomes clear that men and women have different roles. The father provides, and the mother nurtures. The father builds a house. The mother makes it a home. She takes what he gives her and makes it more. This is something that will seen as we continue to work through Proverbs. For now, we want to emphasize the need for both a father and a mother in the life of a child.
Children Obey Your Parents
The second implication from these couple of verses of Proverbs is the need for children to listen to their parents. This is one of many places in scripture where this idea is presented. It is the fifth commandment and the first of what is often referred to as the second table. To put it another way, the first commandment that deals with our love for one another states that you must “Honor your father and your mother.” (Exodus 20:12) Paul repeats this commandment in his letter to the Ephesians saying, “This is the first commandment with a promise.” (Ephesians 6:2) Children must obey their parents in the Lord. Implicit in this is that Parents are to raise their children in the Lord. Not a mother or a father, but parents. Both are necessary. Both are important.
A Call for Courage
It has always been important for us to stand firm and fight for the importance of the family, but now so more than ever. We need to teach our children of this importance. We need to be people who do not reject the teaching and advice of our parents out of hand. This takes courage. It takes courage to stand up in a culture that increasingly pushes the idea that family is a worthless thing. Our children, in particular, are constantly bombarded with the idea that their parents should not be listened to. This can be seen in things like the way that people will try to say that parents are not really qualified to teach their children. That the schools or the state are more qualified to decide what is best for your children than you are. God has given your children to you, and it is your responsibility to train them in the Lord and to set an example for them of what it looks like to be respectful.
Summing It Up
The responsibility to be parents who raise their children in the Lord, to be parents worthy of the honor that is due them, is a heavy responsibility. We need to take it seriously. If we want to see our culture changed for the better, it must start with how we raise our children. We need to train our children in the Lord. You may say that you do not know enough of the scripture to train them. The answer to that is simple: start to study yourself. As you learn, teach your children what you are learning. Husbands teach your wives. Parents teach your children. You do not have to know all the answers. There is much to be gained in the simple act of reading through the scripture together. I want to encourage you in this. Be fathers and mothers who train your children in the Lord and demonstrate wisdom in how you treat your elders.
Soli Deo Gloria